Skyline 301: Romance Scams: How to Protect Your Heart and Your Wallet
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Skyline Financial Federal Credit Union Supports Knights of Columbus
The 2025 Annual meeting will be held on March 20,2024 in the lobby. Open for more details.
Come see our CEO, James Higgins provide insightful and practical advice on financial well beign at the Watebrury Chamber on January 31st at 7:45am. Open for more details!
New year, new balance! Check out this month's article on balance transfers for Skyline 201. Open to read more!
Our field of membership is expanding! We're now welcoming all individuals and businesses of Fairfield County, CT! Check out the article for more information on our expansion.
Our CEO, James Higgins, went live on air with Allie Demers of iHeart Radio and the commissioner of DCF to talk about the need for more foster homes in Connecticut.
Skyline101: This month we're focused on helping you create an emergency savings plan.
For August, we're focused on building credit again! Check out are Skyline 201: Building Credit as it's the second edition of our building credit series.
New Partner Alert | Starlight - A Benfits hub to help our members identify what welfare benefits they're eligble to apply for.
In this month's article we're going to focus on the difference between a bank and a credit union. Open to read more!
NEW PARTNER ALERT: SPARROW STUDENT LOAN PORTAL: Your Education, Your Terms. Open to read the news!
During the Waterbury Regional Chamber Annual meeting, our CEO was acknowledged for his dedication to the YP Group over the last decade and serving as chairman from 2021 to 2024. Open to read more!
This month's education series is a part 2! Navigating the Car Buying Journey: Tips and Red Flags to Watch Out for at Dealerships
April is NEW MEMBER MONTH! All month long we're looking to add to our membership! Interested in learning more? Check out our latest post!
Skyline proudly supports the Easterseals. For more information on their annual fundraiser Pints for a Purpose, open this article!
NEW PRODUCT ALERT! Unlock Financial Flexibility with Our Line of Credit! Open for more deatils.
Skyline 101: Tax Refunds, the good, the bad, and the over spent. This month we'll be focused on how to be utilize your refund! Open for more details.
Skyline Financial FCU Supports the Naugatuck Exchange Club Annual Community Champions Program. Open for more details!
Check out what the 2024 Strategic Initiatives are for Skyline Financial Federal Credit Union!
Skyline Financial FCU Supports the Annie C Courtney Foundation's Annual Dinner on 2/29/2024. Check out the full article for more details!
Another year, another romance scam knowledge article! Open to read the second edition of Romance Scams!
New way to pay your loans via MessagePay! Open to read more.
In this month's article, we're going to focus on the benefit of doing a balance transfer and how it can be helpful in savings some money for you!
Skyline received the 2023 Marketing Excellence Award and our COO Benjamyn Frye wins the Outstanding CU Emerging Leader Award at the CT League Annual meeting!
We're focused on how to manage auto payments this month for Skyline101. Curious to learn more? Click to read the full article.
This month Skyline 101 is focused on buying an investment property. Open to read more!
In August, Skyline 101 is focused on building credit. Read through this article to learn more about the importance of credit, what some minimum scores are to get qualified for loans, how to build credit and more!
Starting a business? See how Skyline's solutions can help you hit the ground running with our payment solutions and point of sale offers!
This month for Skyline 101, HELOCs: the good, the remodeled, and the refinance.
This month for Skyline 101, Let's buy a car! First time? Second time? 100th time? There's always a chance to learn something new when car shopping. Open to read more!
Skyline Financial Federal Credit Union supports pride month letting the community know: you're safe to bank here.
Connecticut Credit Unions Gather in Hartford for Governing Affairs Conference on Wednesday May 24th. CU's from around the state and the CU league joined together.
Open to read more about our system upgrades happening between 4/28 and 5/3! Note: Our office will be closed on May 1st and May 2nd during the upgrade.
During the month of March, it's all about saving money. Open to read this month's article on saving money for an emergency fund.
CEO Higgins went live on air with iHeart Radio's Renee DiNino to talk about the Exchange Club of Waterbury
Open to read more about our CEO’s message regarding the latest bank failures in the news.
This week Skyline Financial Federal Credit Union's Executive Leadership Team joins over 6,000 credit union executives in Washington DC for an annual Governing Affairs Conference. Want to learn more? Check it out!
During the month of February, we're celebrating love. Let's just be sure it's real love and not a romance scam! Curious to learn more? Open this article!
Check out Skyline Financial FCU's 2023 Strategic Initaitives here!
Skyline Financial FCU supports the Exchange Club of Waterbury and is collecting food donations at the lobby.
Skyline Financial FCU and Turnkey Processing Announce New Partnership for Small Businesses in Connecticut. Open to read more!
Eligibility for membership has been expanded. Open to read more!
Members- We're getting a new ATM. Click here to see what you need to know to plan accordingly.
Mobile deposit, NOW AVAILABLE! Open to see more.
Daily limits on debit cards now increased to $1,500.00! Open for more details.
CEO James Higgins was inducted into the board of trustees for the Connecticut Community Foundation representing Skyline Financial Federal Credit Union! Open to read more.
Click here to review the rules and disclaimer for more details on how to be entered to win a $25 Amazon Gift Card!
Most people feel no fear walking into a branch, but that's not true for all members. Our CEO, James Higgins has a message to the membership on how members of the LGBTQ+ community are welcome to conduct their banking here, fear-free.
The Skyline Financial FCU team is expanding! Click here to meet Benjamyn Frye, Skyline's new Chief Operating Officer!
New online banking launching May 19th and NEW Mobile Banking App Launching May 24th! Also see the note on the password update that will be required of all users on May 19th.
Check out the newest update from Allpoint, where they've added more Circle K locations to the surcharge-free ATM network!
Read our CEO's Message to learn more about the security precautions that are in effect to help protect your data and your money under today's IT threats across the financial sector landscape.
Check out how Skyline Financial Federal Credit Union's CEO James Higgins is headed down to Washington, DC for the 2022 CUNA GAC! James will advocate on behalf of the membership and represent our credit union needs!
Apply for GAP Coverage on your next Auto Loan with Skyline! Have peace of mind if your vehicle is totaled in an accident, plus get $1,000 toward the next loan when needed.
Skyline Financial Federal Credit Union joined the Allpoint ATM network. Members can access 55,000+ ATMs worldwide surcharge free! Also, there are ATMs that accept cash deposits! Check out the Allpoint ATM Locator for an ATM near you!
Now offering Moble Wallet on Debit Cards and Credit Cards for iPhones, Android Phones, Samsung Phones!
Apple Pay| Google Pay | Samung Pay
Skyline Financial FCU Delivers Dedicated Member Services- Open to see a summary or view the entire article.
Check out the phase one change, effective February 7, 2022.
CEO James Higgins is investing in technology to improve services for Skyline Financial Federal Credit Union. The tech projects have begun in September 2021, and we’re expecting launches all throughout 2022 for various products.
Skyline Financial Federal Credit Union President CEO James Higgins Receives Young Professional Award. Award given by Credit Union League of Connecticut recognizes exemplary performance in advancing credit union movement
From the bottom of their heart, Pixie, Sherry, Yvette, Stephanie, and Chris thanked James Higgins for Bosses day.
Hello members! My name is James Higgins and I’m excited to join the Skyline Financial Federal Credit Union as Chief Executive Officer. I started on May 3rd, 2021 and was met with a warm welcome from the credit union team members that I’m sure you know and love already.
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