CUNA National governing affairs conference: Washington dc 2023
When it comes to advocacy, there is never enough of it. We have to unite and come together as a unified, non-bipartisan, organized group to discuss the matters that can affect the organiation or our members. In 2022, there were advocacy effort to maintain our tax status as a not-for-profit federally exempt institution. This year in 2023, we're looking to advocate for more protection for your credit union regarding Regulation E and combat the push for financial institutions to lose the interchange income received that is currently being proposed on the table.
As a member of the credit union, we have the ability to advocate on your behalf. The credit union belongs to the Credit Union League of CT and the Credit Union National Association. Each organization advocates on the state and federal level respectively. If you'd like to learn more about the efforts, feel free to reach out to me at any time, as I'm more than happy to discuss the advocacy efforts.
James A. Higgins, MBA, CUDE
President and CEO