Dear members and future members,
Skyline Financial Federal Credit Union's employees welcome members of the LGBTQ+ community to conduct their banking and lending with us, worry free of judgement.
It's tough enough living in a world where judgement creates intended and unintended consequences with regards to a multitude of positions on belief, stance on religion, political views, and so on.
Individuals should not have a fear of being unwelcomed in any way, especially when they step into the Skyline Financial Federal Credit Union. Our doors are open to help you however we can. We will respect your pronouns and we will respect the name you've chosen. As long as we can satisfy our obligation to meet regulatory needs, we're happy to make you feel comfortable as best as we possibly can. Besides, we want to know how awesome you are and that starts with getting to know you.
As a foster parent, I have experienced multiple children under my care who were afraid to express who they were. I inform my children that they can be who they feel they are and they don't have sit in fear that I'll love them any less. Being home should not be the only safe space for you to be you. That safe place should also exist where you do your banking too, and I can assure you, you're safe here at Skyline Financial Federal Credit Union.
There is a reason why credit unions exist, and it is to help the membership, that includes every single member.
Yours in exchange,
James A. Higgins, MBA
President and CEO