Skyline Financial Federal Credit Union's CEO James Higgins is representing the membership at the 2022 CUNA GAC 2/28 through 3/4.
When it comes to advocacy, it's important for the credit union members to be represented on the state and federal level. The credit unions come together in the first quart of every year to advocate together. In some cases, close to 6,000 credit union employees come together on the hill in DC during this week. We'll see what the total count is toward the end of the week. Additionally, the Connecticut Credit Unions along with the Credit Union League of Connecticut have arrived on site to advocate on behalf of our state.
The 2022 GAC advocacy efforts will account for the following:
1) Investing in Main Street
2) Continuing to serve the underserved
3) Keeping money LOCAL
4) Modernizing credit union service
5) Enhancing community safety
6) Fostering digital innovation, and safeguarding assets and information
7) Ensuring a fair and robust housing market
8) Protecting consumers with safe and affordable access
9) Supporting a future-ready NCUA
10) Fulfilling our mission
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