Membership Eligibility:
Persons who live, worship, work (or regularly conduct business in), or attend school in, and businesses and other legal entities located in New Haven County, or Litchfield County, Connecticut.
calificación de membresÃa
Personas que viven, adoran, trabajan (o realizan negocios regularmente), asisten a la escuela en, empresas y otras entidades legales ubicadas en el condado de New Haven, o el condado de Litchfield, Connecticut.
The Difference is Membership!
Unlike other financial institutions, credit unions are not-for-profit businesses, owned by their members. Our members benefit from every dollar earned – through low-cost loans, competitive rates, and state-of-
the-art banking conveniences.
Each member has a vote at every annual meeting where a Board of Directors is elected to govern the credit union along with the Chief Executive Officer. The Board and CEO strategize throughout the year in order to consistently provide member benefits while maintaining a healthy and stable financial organization.
Skyline Financial Federal Credit Union has its roots in our community. The Credit Union was originally established for employees of the telephone company, and was previously known as Waterbury Telephone Federal Credit Union. Today, membership is extended to employees tondividuals who live, work, go to school, volunteer or worship in New Haven or Litchfield Counties, Connecticut.
To be eligible for membership with Skyline Financial Federal Credit Union, you must be an individual or entity qualifying with the Credit Union’s field of membership, have a valid Social Security Number (SSN), Tax Identification Number (TIN), or if business, Employer Idenficiation Number (EIN) and must purchase and maintain minimum shares of $25 as required by the Credit Union Bylaws.
As required by law, any individual, business or organization seeking to become a member of Skyline Financial Federal Credit Union or to be added to an existing account, will be asked to provide specific identification information so that the Credit Union can verify the identity of the individual, business, or organization making the request.
Apply for Membership Now!